04-06-21 11:56 AM
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07-11-24 02:07 PM
How would i Filter this collection for a Posted date range from 1st sept2024 to 30 sept 2024 and also how would i filter the debit column for > 10000 and < 10000.. I have tried what i can but it is not working . please assist.
08-11-24 07:47 PM
You might have to deal with two different issues here. If you are looking for the rows within all days within a specific month, you can simply use the text in the Posted Date column to look up a specific month as with the following:
[Posted Date] LIKE '*-Jul-24'
The Debit has to handled a little more carefully because you have those "----" characters in that column. You'll have to convert the text to number but convert the "----" characters to zeros like so:
CONVERT(IIF([Debit]='----', 0, [Debit]), System.Decimal)<10000
So putting it all together you would have the following in your filter parameter:
"[Posted Date] LIKE '*-Jul-24' AND CONVERT(IIF([Debit]='----', 0, [Debit]), System.Decimal)<10000"
If you are looking to go between two specific dates it gets a little more complicated. If your regional date format is "dd-mm-yyyy", as shows in your collection you could use:
"CONVERT(Posted Date], System.DateTime) >='" & [Start Date] & "' AND CONVERT([Posted Date], System.DateTime) <='" & [End Date] & "' AND CONVERT(IIF([Debit]='----', 0, [Debit]), System.Decimal)<=10000"
But if you are unlucky as I am, you would have to do some rearranging of the date to match the regional format (my regional format is "yyyy-mm-dd"). I would have to use the following:
"CONVERT(IIF(LEN([Posted Date])=9, SUBSTRING([Posted Date],8,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Posted Date],4,3) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Posted Date],1,2),SUBSTRING([Posted Date],7,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Posted Date],3,3) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Posted Date],1,1)), System.DateTime) >='" & [Start Date] & "' AND CONVERT(IIF(LEN([Posted Date])=9, SUBSTRING([Posted Date],8,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Posted Date],4,3) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Posted Date],1,2),SUBSTRING([Posted Date],7,2) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Posted Date],3,3) + '-' + SUBSTRING([Posted Date],1,1)), System.DateTime) <='" & [End Date] & "' AND CONVERT(IIF([Debit]='----', 0, [Debit]), System.Decimal)<=10000"
It gets a lot more complicated because the day is not zero padded in the text.