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Internal : AMI error occurred in *** Stage '***' on page '***Page' - Not Connected

Level 3
When I launch Blue Prism training application through 'Navigate' stage and then put login logic in the same action of a object then it works. But if I place launch in another action of same object and call the action from login action then it fails with error "Internal : AMI error occurred in *** Stage '***' on page '***Page' - Not Connected"  has anyone faced similar issue.  

Level 15
Once successfully connected to an application (through launch or attach) you will remain attached to it both within the same action and other actions within the same object. Are you sure you are within the same object instance (not opened seperately to view) and have not clicked detach or closed/reopened the object at any point?

Level 6
I have seem similar errors while a process is running in production - there are 15 robots running the same process for 16 hours a day, 6 days a week - and might see this once or twice a week. Not sure what the cause or solution is

Level 15
I guess the solution for this happening in production would be to use the Best Practice exception handling that Blue Prism trains - and that is inforced by the use of Process Templates (which all developers are recommend to use as the basis for their solutions).    If following those lessons you would have a retry loop on sub-pages that would catch an exception thrown because of a disconnection, tidy everything up (close down running instances of app etc), relaunch the app, and navigate back to the required point before trying again..  I would not expect a session to just terminate if there is a rare issue.