Hi Dennis,
Long time since this issue popped up. It is happening to myself and while googling found this, updating with more info that wasn't put here. and potential solution
tl;dr : looks like when using wait stages the use of curly braces escapes the wildcard character (at least in my case it did)

here is the error, as mentioned happens in a wait stage.
here is what is being passed in the app modeller

the app modeller can see the element just fine but when the wait stage runs it throws the error. If I use any other stage like navigate or read/write they all work fine too. The only stage that has an issue is the wait stage when waiting on this element.
To remedy this in my case I was able to remove one of the curly braces in the app modeller on the right and that resolved the issue. Removing the one on the left did not work which makes me think the curly brace on the right escapes the '*' in some way when fed to a wait stage
Feel like this should be logged as a bug if I understand the machination correctly?
Dexter Whelan
Senior Developer/Mentor