27-09-23 12:39 AM
I am testing my process on a UAT site and one of my wait stage timeout is not working. It is working ok when using a DEV site. The wait is just waiting for an element to appear. If not, just proceed with the process. What could be causing it to just wait indefinitely? the timeout setting is also set. It will eventually have a warning status within control room when testing since it was not moving from the wait stage.
hi @Harish Mogulluri, the wait was designed to check if part of the application page will show up or not. It was supposed to timeout if the page did not show. . i was checking on debug mode and no pop ups is causing it to freeze.
27-09-23 01:06 AM
Hi Kris Toledo,
Did you get chance to verify in the application where exactly it is taking forever? Or did you noticed any pop ups causing application freezing while navigating?
27-09-23 02:38 AM
Hi kris Toledo,
Did you get chance to spy different mode or element and check the behavior of it?
Which application having this issue? Web based, windows...??
Which version of blue prism ?
Assuming you are using check exist action in the wait stage?am I correct?
Regardless of application and version i would suggest to try different mode and different element in the same page.