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Forum Posts

Inputs and Outputs

Hi, I would like to know what is the business purpose to use inputs and outputs. Can I ask for some business examples? I would like to know the connection of this functinality with real life processes. Thank you in advance. BR P.K.

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 0 replies

Send keys to open the Windows menu

Hi, I've used "^{ESC}" value to open the Windows menu and I've got the following error: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Navigate1' on page 'Send E-mail' - Not Connected. What can be a reason? How can I open the Windows menu? ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 3 replies

Unable to see the pc in available resources.

I made my Pc as resource pc by running the batch file This is the command I am using -- "C:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate\Automate.exe"/public /resourcepc The actual Problem is - in application server my pc is cycling between o...

Scheduler - staggered start

Am facing a challenge with creating a stable schedule, and I was hoping someone can help. Currently using v4.2, but if the solution lies in v5.0 I'll be happy as we are soon upgrading... Anyway - the problem: I have a sequence of processes that I ha...

Image Problem

Hi, I am facing a problem while entering the data and submitting the form. The way the (browser based ) screen is designed it has a search text box and a image next to it. To search I need to enter text in the text box and then press the search imag...

Shared application models

I've created a library of objects and components for an application that use a shared application modeller. Can I export/import these onto a 4.2 derivative of Blue Prism, or are these now only available to import/export to an v5 environment? I have...

Processing Collection object

I am passing multiples values as input parameter for an object by using collection. i want to process each element of that collection in code. Please help on this

MapieX subfolder access

Hi, I encounter a problem with subfolder access with MapieX, In the mailbox folder hierarchy where I want to get a mail, there's several subfolders with the same name, but I don't see how I can input a folder path with mapiex, I can only input the s...

Excel - Setting borders

Does anybody have any code which can apply borders to cells (either multiple or single) in excel? We have a process which creates spreadsheets for a 3rd party but the process owner wants them to look pretty! I can't just add borders to the template ...

Having trouble with Global send keys and "@"

I have a text data item with an E-mail address in it, when I run the script and global send key event tries to type the E-mail ,the @ turns into "2" as if it's not pressing Alt Gr. Not quite sure what's causing it, when I try to evaluate the expressi...

Decrease Running Speed

i have created a object In the object studio which when run ,runs at normal speed but when I tried to call it from the process studio it runs at extremely fast speed is there any way to slow it down without using wait stages between every stage?