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Status: Needs More Info

Worklist card filtering/ search  -  Enhance functionality for worklist card by adding filtering/search option and allow for dynamic  filtering/searching by multiple criteria (example -  user would be able to configure and  filter work list by Worktype /Account Number/ Broker /Queue)

Similar logic could then be incorporated into Get Work  - were user would be able to define preference on what the next piece of work  they are getting should be (still within the constrains of what user is coded for). 
Users often find it more productive to work on same type of work . 

1 Comment

Hi Dorin, 

We can already add fields (LOB Fields) to the Sort by List .

This can be configured in the user preferences -> Taglines. However we cannot filter the work items in the worklist. 

However If you have access to Enhanced Search - you will have option to filter the search results based on a one or more fields. 

With Get Work are you thinking that the processor should be able to define what type of work he would like to get when he hits Get Work