Replacement of Process Discovery Tool


Blue Prism’s Process Discovery Tool has now been replaced by a new Process Assessment Tool

The Blue Prism Process Assessment Tool was launched in November 2020, as the first in a set of solutions designed to help customers identify processes that are suitable candidates for automation, by allowing them to easily assess value, ROI, and benefits, in order to build a sustainable automation pipeline.

Now that the Process Assessment Tool has been released, the Process Discover Tool is no longer supported, however it will remain accessible to current users until the end of May 2021, to allow you to download process assessment data, if you wish to retain a copy.

At the end of May 2021, the PDT will be decommissioned, and you will no longer have access.

If you have any process assessment data in the current Process Discovery Tool that you wish to take copy of, please click the DOWNLOAD ALL PROCESS ASSESSMENTS (XLSX) option on the Process Assessment Dashboard to create an Excel export.


If you would like to contact the team please email

