SS&C | Blue Prism Next Generation: Now Available!

We’re thrilled to introduce you to our latest product release! Find about the innovative features and benefits of Next Gen and why you should be excited about the future of intelligent automation.


We’re thrilled to introduce you to our latest product release! It’s going to unlock intelligent automation (IA) for you and redefine our platform offering with greater flexibility than ever before. Welcome to SS&C | Blue Prism® Next Generation (Next Gen). I'm Tom Sadler, director of product management at SS&C Blue Prism, and I'll guide you through the innovative features and benefits of Next Gen and why you should be excited about the future of intelligent automation.


Product Highlights

Hybrid deployment

Digital workers will operate behind your firewall, on your own secure infrastructure while you manage them from the cloud. This enables you to:

  • Maintain security and compliance by keeping the work (and data) where it needs to be.
  • Reduce overheads associated with deploying, managing and upgrading infrastructure.
  • Maximize automation return on investment (ROI) by reducing the total cost of ownership.

Control center

A cloud-based operations center for simplified management across all environments. This will help you:

  • Manage your entire automation program (digital workers, automations, environments, etc.) from a single place.
  • Start, stop and schedule processes for maximum control.
  • Combine automations into end-to-end processes called “automation flows”.
  • Monitor the health and performance of your digital workers and automations.

Process repository

Centralized storage for processes and objects, as well as version control and release management. Process repo enables you to:

  • Streamline collaboration by saving objects and processes in one place.
  • Reduce duplication of effort by simplifying reusability.
  • Track changes across processes and objects using version control.
  • Link processes/objects to specific versions of processes/objects to limit the impact when you update the associated asset.
  • Utilize a structured release management process where you can use stage gates requiring relevant approval to help you go from development to deployment.

Design studio

A visual canvas designed to help you build, edit and test automations. This supports:

  • Business users with minimal technical expertise thanks to its drag-and-drop user interface (UI).

Robotic process automation (RPA)

Automate repetitive processes using software agents that interact with applications just as a person would. This delivers:

  • Increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Fewer errors.
  • Better customer and employee experiences.


Next Gen Benefits

  • Scale easily to accommodate growing business needs.
  • Reduce upgrade time by updating digital workers independently – at a time that suits you.
  • Respond swiftly to changing priorities with access to the latest capabilities.

For more information on Next Gen and its functionality, please refer to the Next Gen release notes.

Meet some of our customers that got a sneak peek of what to expect with our Next Generation platform, and hear their thoughts first hand

These innovations usher a new era of automation, providing enhanced capabilities to elevate your business.


Find Out More

There are plenty of ways to find out more about Next Gen. Here are a few:


Community Update

We're excited to announce that we now have Product Association for Next Gen available on our community platform! You can utilize it throughout the Community on threads and to filter content. To find out more about how to use Product Association check out our blog on the new Community upgrades!