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Resolved! 원격 DB/Resource PC 연결 질문

안녕하세요.젠컨설팅 이상윤 매니저입니다. 현재 DB 역할을 담당하는 PC와 Resource PC가 같은 네트워크를 사용하지 않게 되면서 원격으로 접속을 설정해야 하는 상황이 발생하여 사전에 질문드립니다. DB의 경우는 포트포워딩 및 방화벽 설정으로 가능하다고 확인하여 테스트를 앞두고 있으나, Resource PC의 경우는 자세한 방법을 몰라 어떻게 진행해야 하는지 알고 싶어 글을 올리게 되었습니다. 감사합니다.

sy_lee by Level 4
  • 3 replies

Resolved! API Erro 401

New API configured in Blue Prism but it is showing this errorInternal: Unexpected error Error during Web API HTTP RequestHTTP Status Code: 401HTTP Response Content: {"status":401,"error":"orderNotFound"}

[Hub] 하위 서비스 실행 관련 문의

안녕하세요 젠컨설팅 이상윤 매니저입니다.최근 Hub와 Interact 구성을 진행하면서 몇가지 상황이 발생하여, 글을 작성하게 되었습니다.현재 몇몇 하위 서비스(audit, email 등)이 실행되지 않고, 별도로 프로그램을 실행시켜보면 "키 세트가 없습니다."라는 메세지가 표시됩니다.Interact의 경우 '라이선스가 만료되었습니다'라는 메세지와 함께 비활성화되어있습니다.추가로, Blue Prism API 서비스 계정을 허브에서 생성한 뒤에 ...

sy_lee by Level 4
  • 0 replies

Best of the Community - January 2025!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope your 2025 has gotten off to an amazing start. Here in the Community Team, plans are underway for MVP 2025, so if you're interested in joining our exclusive team of kind-hearted, passionate intelligent automation stand...

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Michael_S by Community Team
  • 2 replies

Customer Excellence Awards 2025 - Entry Advice & Guidance

Community, some of the worst advice I ever received was: "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it"- ChatGPT, January 2025PS. Don't ask a robot for life advice. The problem with being so busy that you never stop to celebra...

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Michael_S by Community Team
  • 0 replies

Gen AI on BP runtime resource using Onnx Runtime

Hi All,I just wanted to share a hobby project I have worked on the last few weeks to see if I could get a local language model to run on runtime resource.The general inference workflow for LLMs I have seen is running a separate service and using API ...

Exciting News! Big Changes at The Hub

You may have noticed a new name at the top of the page—welcome to the Methodology Hub! Formerly known as the ROM Hub, we’ve rebranded to make room for some exciting updates that are happening and to better support you in your journey with Intelligent...

Customer Excellence Awards 2025

Over the last nine years, the SS&C Blue Prism Customer Excellence Awards have honored the pioneering achievements of our customers who’ve effectively mastered and innovated  with intelligent automation (IA). If that sounds like your company, we’d lik...

RitaC by Staff
  • 1 replies

Valuing the top community champs

 It’s really important to us here at the BP community that our top community members get value from their membership and contribution towards community . Maybe a appreciation mail or a display section on our page saying top community members can be a...

Edge launch 및 Attach 오류 문의

안녕하세요 BluePrism 작업 중 이상한 현상이 발생하여 문의드립니다.1. Launch 진행 시 Browser extension was not detected 오류가 발생함.2. Start process 로 엣지를 연 후 Attach 를 진행 시 1회에는 항상 Browser extension was not detected 오류가 발생하고 2회차에 Attach 가 됨블루프리즘 확장프로그램은 이미 추가가 된 상황입니다. 아시는 정보 있으시면 공...

Best of the Community #2 - Catch up on November!

Good gosh - it's almost the end of 2024. How has your year been? What wins are you celebrating? I hope you're looking back on a year of success.  And if you're one of the 334 automation professionals who joined our Community this month - welcome to B...

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Michael_S by Community Team
  • 0 replies

12/13 Blue Prismユーザー会開催のお知らせ!

こんにちはBlue Prismカスタマーサクセスチームです。既に多くの方にご案内が届いていると思いますが、12/13にBlue Prismのユーザー会を開催します。今回も皆様の関心の高いテーマが盛りだくさんのプログラムです。会場参加の方には弊社からのクリスマスプレゼントも!?ぜひ下記のURLからお申し込みください。日時 2024/12/13(金) 15:00-18:10(開場14:30から)会場 神田スクエア 東京都千代田区神田錦町二丁目2番地1ご参加お申し込みサイト:https://e-ve....

Problem With Decipher Object

Buenas tardes,Estuve intentando ingresar a mi proceso de Decipher para hacer unas pruebas pero (ya previamente lo había utilizado) me dice que no encuentra un "Object Decipher" , intente ver si las actions que necesitaba se encontraban en Decipher VB...

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