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7.1 JavaScript Fragment

Level 3
so just installed 7.1 in a test env and first thing i did was open a sample object and took a look at the options for navigate. I noticed the Inject and invoke JS options are still available. 25399.png
I guess this is more of a question for BP than the community but figured I'd post it incase others have same question. 
Is there a possibility that we may receive this functionality in the future so its been left in?
was it just a lot of work to remove this option so it was left to get 7.1 out asap?


Philip Deveau
Design Authority Lead
Sun Life

Hi Philip,

With the incoming Manifest V3 in June 2023, I agree JavaScript will no longer function for us in the near future. But with having said that, there are couple of things also we should be considering. Firstly, for any enterprise to rapidly change their way of interacting with web elements is going to take time. I know clients having like 50-60 business objects using JavaScript in Production. Now, if you ask me are they really going to change it over a period of month well it is not really easy task and they definitely are going to take their own time for this. It will take time so in case such clients wish to migrate quickly to Blue Prism 7.1 and test features it makes sense to still have those actions at least for now.

Moreover, Manifest V3 will be coming mostly for Chrome and Edge as we still are not sure over the timelines when Firefox would be implementing something similar if I am correct. Considering all these facts, I think it would still make sense to keep the features alive at least till the early start of the year 2023 as organizations will definitely take their time to redesign all their components.

But yes I definitely agree with you that moving ahead probably in next year or so we would be seeing some drastic changes and I hope the Browser Mode integration is widely improved as well since we still see a lot of issues in many website with Click action and Write stages in Blue Prism.

Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please mark it as the 'Best Answer' so that the others members in the community having similar problem statement can track the answer easily in future

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Sr. Consultant - Automation Developer,
WonderBotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional

Hope this helps you out and if so, please mark the current thread as the 'Answer', so others can refer to the same for reference in future.
Devneet Mohanty,
SS&C Blueprism Community MVP 2024,
Automation Architect,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.

i agree with devneet reply. Since Firefox has not announced dated for MV2. so it is logical to keep all the existing drop down/option intact .

plus i can there are other improvement added for JS  🙂 . seems like chrome/edge ruins plans for improvement done in JS by BP.


Neeraj Kumar
Technical Architect

Hi Philip,

We decided not to remove the Insert/Invoke JavaScript options from 7.1.0 for two reasons:
  1. As mentioned by others in this thread these options will still be viable for Firefox automations post Jan 2023; and
  2. We are actively looking into what options are available to us that would offer an alternative to these functions in future - had we removed these options from 7.1.0 then customers/partners would have to upgrade to a later release (7.1.1 or 7.2) to see these options reappear, which obviously would be an inconvenience!

Just to make sure I'm not falsely setting expectations, we aren't sure it will be possible to reintroduce a JavaScript solution that exactly matches our previous MV2 capabilities, but we're working on enabling some of the use cases that customers have fed back to us so far.

When we have more information to share we'll be updating the Knowledge Based Articles in the Support Centre and the Product Roadmap accordingly.

Hope this helps!

Robert Nicklin
Senior Product Owner
Blue Prism
Warrington, England
Robert Nicklin Product Manager Blue Prism Warrington, England

Are you saying that Blue Prism has stopped supporting JS in v7.1 already for Chrome and Edge objects before Google and Microsoft actually enforces it in Jan 2023? 

We started migrating to v7.1 and immediate observation was that JS stopped working with v7.1 chrome extension. We have 100s of Chrome objects impacted due to this. 

Can someone clarify this or have faced this issue during their migration.

Harshil Mehta

Hi Harshil,

You are correct, the v7.1 Release Notes outline this change (in BP-6632) and the MV3 extensions were included with it now to allow for our customers to re-develop their Processes and become MV3 compliant in time for the browsers' requirements change.

The main takeaway here is that the removal of Javascript functionality is a requirement by the browsers. Any RPA tool that currently uses Insert/Invoke JavaScript Fragment will stop working in 2023, so our MV3-based browser extensions are being rolled out in time to adjust to the browsers' requirements change.

Our Knowledge Base article/FAQ contains a link to the MV3 Impact Assessment Tool to determine how many of your Processes are affected, and the general guidance is to work with your development teams to make these Processes MV3 compliant in your Dev environment with plenty of time before the Jan 1 2023 switchover. If you have technical questions (i.e. how to specifically change a process for the dropping of MV2/removal of javascript functionality in extensions), this should be brought to the attention of your Blue Prism Account Manager. From there, resources can be acquired, either internally or through our Professional Services department to assist. There are also several discussions on these Community forums already about this on how to get around the use of javascript in browser-based Processes, as this is a change that will affect many customers.

Steve Boggs
Senior Product Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX

Hi Harshil,

I've faced this issue during migration and posted my solution here:

For those interested I can go more in-depth and perhaps share my VBO's.

Diederik Oprel


I saw that this the disscusion was in june of 2022, as longer the time passed i can see that BluePrism deployed some apps/functions to support browser with Manifest V3.

now i'm using Bp 7.2, so my question is even bp implemented updates to support browser mv3, the insert/invoke javascript will be not work? 

I opened a thread explained the issue that i'm facing.

Thank you!

Jadiel Leyendecker