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How do I use the Runtime Resource HTTP commands to delete a pending process

Level 4

hello everyone, I read this guide link which talks about how to start a process with a http request but I didn't understand how to cancel a pending session.
1. I connect to a resource and find it occupied by a pending process
2. i don't know how create the session and what process was used
3. I have to delete it (or start it, the problem is there anyway)
4. i need to create an auth token with process id (not session id)
Problem: how can I find the process id of the session that is pending on the machine
Clearly the answers have to be found with available commands like http request

with previous versions it was possible to use start, delete, create, which didn't require a tolen... now only startas, createas, deleteas

thank for replies

Maurizio Tranquilli
process engineer


Hi Maurizio,

You need to start with getting the auth token:

You request a token with the 'getauthtoken' command.
See below example:

This will give back the token:

Note it down (Copy/paste) somewhere as you will need it in the next command.
If you will want to run this in a process, then you will need a code stage that will run this command and save the output to a data item.
Helpful link:

Once you have that, then you can run proclist:

From the returned list, make a note of the ID listed next to your target process. You will need this, and the auth token in order to delete the session.


The syntax is: 'deleteas <token> <sessionid>'.
The response is 'SESSION DELETED' or an error code.

Hope this helps.

Andrzej Silarow
Principal Consultant
Ignite IPA
Andrzej Silarow

Hi Andrzej,

the problem is not the commands but as I find the information needed to create the command, I try to give an example.

I connect to a machine and find that there is a pending process, assume I don't know what process it is. The only information that i can retrive is the session id.
I have to delete it and to do that I need a token, to create the token I need to know the id of the pending process, but I have only session id not the process id.
How can I create a token?
If I don't generate the token with the correct process, the response to deleteas command is ERROR:Could not update database following deletion - Authorization error: No matching token found in database


Maurizio Tranquilli
process engineer