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MAPIEx Signed Mail

Level 2
Hello, I'm developing an automation where it is required to verify if the received e-mail is digitally signed. I know there is a MAPI property (PR_MESSAGE_CLASS) to verify the message's class that, if its value is IPM.Note.SMIME.MultipartSigned, I know the e-mail is signed. I also discovered that BPMAPIMessage class has a GetNamedProperty method that, in my understanding, would enable me to get the message class, but I can't get it to work. So, my questions are: Is it possible to use GetNamedProperty to get the message class? MAPIEx library has a MAPIObject class, does the BluePrismMAPIExAutomation has the same class? If it does, how can I import and use it? It is not possible to import MAPIEx.dll and MAPI32.dll, I suppose it is because they are x86. Is there a workaround for this issue? Is there another way to verify if the e-mail is digitally signed? I would prefer not to use the Outlook VBO and not to create rules in the server. Is there any documentation on all the types, methods and properties of BluePrismMAPIExAutomation?   Thanks a lot, Fabio Bergamini Leonardo