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MS Edge - How to best deal with Window alert notifications

Level 3

Could any one advise on how to best deal with Window Alert Notifications in MS Edge?

I took the pop-up route and created a separate object to deal with this but I cant seem to get application modeller to recognise/attach  to it. The only thing I was able to get to work was attaching to the main page and using AA via Windows application - however this does not seem to recognise the 'OK' button.

Links below to show how Window Alert Notifications work in Edge:

Window alert() Method (

W3Schools Tryit Editor



Level 7

Hi Victor,

The ideal way I feel handling these pop-ups is by passing Keystrokes on the window. Activate window and pass the keystrokes to ensure the window is on top of the screen and keys are passed to the exact required window.


Babjee Vangipurapu.

Babjee Vangipurapu
Senior RPA Developer

Hi victor medios,

To handle this pop up in Edge.

I did some thing like below

Assume Launching  google - ',com"
1)  Instead of just website I usually add Force render accessibility at the end of the URL also  in App modeller
Ex: In URL - " --force-renderer-accessibility" 

refer below article for the same

2) Try to spy the pop up in UIA mode,  - If it doesn't work try to create new object for pop up and make sure to detach the existing object 

3) By using new  object try to attach pop up( In attach action I used only Process name to attach it)  try ui mode along with browser mode
By following these steps mostly like  you are able to handle pop ups. 

As other member mentioned you can also use Send keys  like enter to click ok in the pop up shared in the screenshot. 

If I answered your query. Please mark it as the Best Answer

Harish Mogulluri

Level 3

Thanks for the feedback Babjee & Harish,

After playing around with it I have found that the UI Automation Navigator seems to be able to find the Windows Alert Notifications elements. Not sure why I didn't think to use the Navigator!
