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Text in a field is getting deleted while executing the automation through Control Room

Level 5

Hi All,

I have a web based application which contains nearly 30 text box fields that I have to enter the data into. I'm using edge browser. I spied them using web mode. However with 4 particular elements, I'm facing an error wherein the data I'm entering is getting cleared out once moved to the next field.

Can anyone suggest a good resolution or the alternate workarounds?

Note: The fields are originally dropdowns and in the form of a table. The values in this dropdown table are the possible matches based on the value we are entering into the field. 

Methods we tried using web mode & UIA mode:

  1. Entering the data into the fields directly using 'Write' stage.
  2. Entering the data into the fields directly using 'Global Send Keys' using a Navigate stage.
  3. Entering the data, reading the dropdown table and clicking on the possible match from the dropdown table using the row index.
  4. Entering the data, reading the dropdown table and clicking on the possible match using the value based dynamic selector.

Thank you
Niteesh Reddy Bollu
Lead Assistant Manager

Level 15

Did you figure this out Niteesh?? It seems your question was sat unanswered for a couple of weeks.

Bespoke dropdown box controls can sometimes be notoriously problematic to figure out how to interface with.  Myself and a colleague once spent 3 days trying to figure out a drop down in a bespoke secure browser app at a bank.  This is why the Surface Automation training goes uses dropdowns for some of the more advanced training exercises.   
It looks like you were already going in the right direction with the experimentation you were using with Global Send Keys and interfacing with the dropdown element & row index.   I'd just keep experimenting - the Global Send Keys should work if it works when using the drop down manually - but you may also need to send a global click first and experiment with then clicking or tabbing out of the box once the data has been entered (the element might be waiting for some kind of unfocus event which it never gets).   

Level 5

Hi Niteesh,

I think the dropdown elements may be loaded based on the selection from one to remaining. So this type of elements needs may be designed to change onClick event. So you can try to click on the dropdown first and type your selection then click on the dropdown value displayed.

Please let me know if that works.

Nandhakumar C
Technology Consultant
SimplifyNext Pte Ltd