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Unable to input data in Chrome browser, BP version 6.9

Level 4
I have installed version 6.9 of Blue Prism. I am currently changing my browser from IE to Chrome. Unfortunately, there is a problem with filling in the fields. Tries to enter login and password via Navigate, but the data does not insert. The process goes through these stages as if it were inserting the data correctly, but the data is physically absent. With the Write option, I can enter this data into the login and password fields, but the application itself does not see them, returns an error that the password is missing or incorrect. Is it possible that I am missing some components for version 6.9? I have the necessary extensions for Chrome installed. I also have a fixed port for the browser selected. Everything worked in IE, currently I cannot perform simple actions such as inserting data into the application window. Maybe you have any idea why this is happening, is the problem also in versions higher than 6.9? I would like to add that I also checked how these options work in Microsoft Edge or Firefox browsers, and it is exactly the same as in Chrome.


Ewa Turowicz-Kwiatkowska

hello @Ewa Turowicz-Kwiatkowska ,
Sometimes, there is an issue that when you insert/write data through write stage, target application is not able to understand whether any input has been been done or not( basically write stage do not trigger updates).  you need to play around and add some more actions in navigate. you can spy the same username and password in other spying mode and try to use focus/click along with write stages.

Or you can pass the information via send keys but try to use send keys and use tabbing to go to destination field( if above options are not working for you)

i believe this issue of writes stage not triggering updates is fixed in 6.10.3.

Neeraj Kumar
Technical Architect

Well, I just wanted to use the global send keys but the app is not responding. There are no errors and it works in stages, but it does not insert the data :(. (As you wrote, the save step does not trigger the update) The only spying method that is active in the application is Browser Mode. Is it possible that I do not have all the add-ons necessary for Blue Prism 6.9 to work properly?

Ewa Turowicz-Kwiatkowska

Hi Ewa,

I also am curious just to know how you are using the Global Send keys action. Can you verify once if you are doing the below mentioned steps or not:

- Firstly, ensure that first you activate the application window by selecting the Win32 element of your Application tree, then you send a Global Mouse Click on the spied element using Browser mode where you want to enter the text and at the end you use Global Send Keys Or Global Send Key Events on the root application element(in my experience, many times people try to use Send Global Keys action directly on the element where you want to enter the text and that is the reason why it fails, remember it should always be the root node of your application tree).

- Also, you can try to execute a 'TAB' button once you write the text just to be sure that your text has been properly written and set on the element field of the application. You can simple send in the input value as "{TAB}"

- Secondly, you can provide some delay between each step to ensure proper working of the logic at runtime from Control Room.

You can refer the below screenshot for more details:

NOTE: Here I am using global send keys twice, one is for writing the actual text and another one is for pressing a 'TAB' key which is optional.

Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please mark it as the 'Best Answer' so that the others members in the community having similar problem statement can track the answer easily in future

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Sr. Consultant - Automation Developer,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional


Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please provide a big thumbs up so that the others members in the community having similar problem statement can track the answer easily in future.

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Technical Business Analyst,
WonderBotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional


Hi Devneet

I checked all the steps you described and I did exactly the same.
The field is being spied on, but I can't enter any data in it. The process passes through the fields, but does not insert data and there are no errors. Maybe version 6.9 doesn't work with some browser apps. Or, as I wrote, maybe I should install something? Any accessory?

In version 6.6, I couldn't get data from the application field. Now I have version 6.9 and I can't put the data in the field ... maybe it's a matter of upgrading to an even higher version.


Ewa Turowicz-Kwiatkowska

Hi Ewa,

Have you also tried changing the element type in the upper dropdown section and see if any result you were able to get while using the Global send keys or Write stage with that?


Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please mark it as the 'Best Answer' so that the others members in the community having similar problem statement can track the answer easily in future

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Sr. Consultant - Automation Developer,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional


Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please provide a big thumbs up so that the others members in the community having similar problem statement can track the answer easily in future.

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Technical Business Analyst,
WonderBotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional



Hi Devneet

I tried to change the type element, that didn't help either.





In version 6.10.4, the input field functionality has been restored. So great.


Ewa Turowicz-Kwiatkowska