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WebDriver and ChromeDriver Bluepriam Integration

Level 2

Hi team, 

We are trying alternatives to improve the performance of web automations. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to use the webdriver library in blueprism?

I tried to download the asset

Function for Get HTML from Chrome - 1.0.0

, but I was unsuccessful



Hi Thiagorighi,

Can you please explain a little more about webdriver.

How is webdriver, potentially, will improve performance?

Have you tried XPath Instead?


Level 2

Hi rsrivastava2,

Here at the company we have many web processes developed, and we noticed some performance instability and difficulty in mapping elements using conventional methods (browser mode, ui, aa...). We even did some mappings using xpath, but we have the same result.

In meetings with other teams, I have noticed that people are increasingly using other methods for web applications, such as Selenium, for example. That's when I came to the question above...

Right now I'm trying to use the asset: Function for Get HTML from Chrome - 1.0.0, and make pilots to measure the real gain in speed and assertiveness.