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Forum Posts

Blue Prism is attaching slow to Chrome or Edge

Hi, I'm working with BP 7.2 Browser Extension, and using BP v7.2.0. Attaching to Chrome and Edge seems very slow (around 20 secs to attach).As attaching parameters I'm using Process Name and Window Tile (with wildcard).I can find root cause of this i...

Identify Button Not Occuring

Hi, I am working on a simple Calculator application to do a addition. I have configured it with WINDOWS MOD & pass the Calc file path. Now it's getting launch, but to Spy the Buttons in Calculator the IDENTIFY button is not reflecting. Please check t...

Facing issue with Get Verified Document process

Hi, I am also facing same issue. completed batches in Decipher but when I run process 3 Get Verified Document, I am neither getting Batch ID nor Documents. And also Flag 'Batch Available' returns False. Need help to resolve why it's happening. My Que...

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Pralay by Level 5
  • 19 replies

Table Data not being populated

Hi all,  I have an issue retrieving the table data from a file. The header data is coming up fine but the table level data is being highlighted in the blocks but, not getting populated into the table data fields during data verification phase. Please...


Blue Prism version 7.1.2 password reset script

I have been trying to use password reset script on SQL management studio however when I input said script it does not work. Find image. ------------------------------Finley Scargill------------------------------


Decipher IDP - how to set DFD

Hello, Could you please help to set the correct value in DFD? I would like to have a field with word "Komornik" included. Currently, that word is excluded from that field. Details: Image region: Data verification: DFD:

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Python In Blue Prism

Hi All, Can anyone please explain with a small example, how to use Python in Blue Prism. Thank you.------------------------------Madhu Garg------------------------------


Guys, Need help on how can I convert PDF file to XML.------------------------------Aiman Nishat------------------------------

send authorization header to browser login

Hi, i am trying to login to the application using browser mode to by passing user name and password followed by authentication header. I used invoke javascript method in navigation stage and utility HTTP but not able to pass authorization header to t...

Beginner in Application Modeller

Hi, Just started my blue prism project and i have to automate a web browser application. Been using application modeler and swithing between modes of Browser and UI automation. One area i can Ctrl+Right click using UI automation and it will get the e...

KT by Level 4
  • 2 replies