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Wait for page to load

Is there any way we can wait the model to wait until the page loads,after that we can extract the result from the webpage

Citrix Xendesktop VDA HDX/ICA compatibility

Hello, seeing if any folks use Citrix VDA to remote into Bots as opposed to software like VNC? Have a small environment now and it seems to work. The resolution does resize/change if you remote in. But it seems to work otherwise. And after folks remo...

Need to click on a textbox and then entervalue.

Hi Team, I have two things wherein I need help. 1) I want to click on a text box and then enter some value. 2) I have a dropdown which behaves as button and I need to click on the dropdown and then select item. When I am trying to click and then b...

Web-based Java Application issue.

Hello Team, i am working on a web based java application on IE version 11 while spying the element i am able to spy however while highlighting it always gives me error ; No Matching Java Element Found. i tried all random combination of attributes b...

Unhanded exception has occurred.......

I have started to see an error stating the below - does anyone know what this is or how to fix as it keeps popping up meaning I cant really do anything in BP   Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click Contin...

BPv6 Surface Automation | Relative Parent

Hello! Currently, I've been working through Advanced Surface Automation Guide and I'd like to ask a question regarding a relative parent attribute. Why can't I see the relative parent attribute when a location method for my region is set to Coordin...

MAPIEx "Get Mail" Crashes after one use

Hi all, While working on a proof of concept, I am trying to use MAPIEx to read emails from an Outlook inbox. The first time I run my object, the "Get Mail" successfully retrieves the email and I can extract the information I need. However, if I try ...

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screenshot of a webpage

Hello everyone,  - can someone help me to capture a screenshot from a webpage and send the screenshot to a mail  - can you also inform me how to use key combination ( e.g. printscreen key) in blueprism  Thank you very much

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[Region Editor] Was Dynamic Regions Changed In BP6

In BP5 I used to be able to define a dynamic region with which I could do pretty much anything. Now in BP6 it seems some things are locked down. For instance, retain image can't be turned of. And when I spy a region, I get a bunch of parameters that ...

PDF: Select All does not select parts of text

I have a problem with selecting whole text in PDF page. When using Edit->Select All most of the text is selected, but some parts remains unselected (see attachement). I'm working with editable pdf, generated by the system. Is there any way to really...

Cannot run process in Control room

Hello Guys, I have ancountered with problem when I try to run process via Control room. When i pull process on active client this error message emerges.: "Failed to create session on V4SKBRSY0000004 - Failed to get effective run mode - Unable to cal...

How spy the jquery data table ?

Hi all,  i want to spy the jquery data table which contains pagination. i'm able to spy the jquery data table it retrieving only 10 records out of 60 records. How to retrieve the complete records? please find the attached document. 

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Stage Loggin

Hello all, I have the following issue: I do not want to log any data in the log available in Control room. I disabled logging in the process and for every process step but still some data are visible in control room logs. Especially for the Excel V...

KK1 by Level 3
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