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Forum Posts

Update Pivot data source using VBA code

I have a requirement to update data source of the pivot in a workbook. Challenge is, I cannot create a macro to update the Workbook is downloaded from one of the data source. I have tried below code and getting 'Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

BP stuck on a stage

Hi, is there a way for us to recover from a BP hang? When you see that the bot is not moving and stuck on a stage, is there a way that we can terminate the current work and just throw an exception?

Functionality of Business Objects

Hello, I have a question regarding the functionality of €˜Business Objects€™ in general. Assumption: Just say we have 10 robots (runtimes) working on a queue and on a single process. Hence 10 robots will do each step identically for the queued item...

Scheduler process never starts

Hi, I am trying to create schedule. But it doesnt run. I attached a picture for you to see, under the Schedule section my "New schedule" has 3 dots but when the time comes those 3 dots disappear and it stays in that stage.  It even cant be seen on r...

Delete Queue

Hi, I have an old process that is no longer used and wanted to remove the queue as it is causing confusion in the control room. All the session logs have long since been deleted so there isn't any data that can be obtained from the queue items, howe...

View Previous Posts

Hi, I'm sure this has been raised before, but is there no way that I can view my previous posts on this forum?  If I post something, I have to scroll through the pages until I find it, which can be a little time consuming.

Interacting with SAP on VM

Hi All,  I am having an issue with my process interacting with SAP on a VM.  When logged onto the VM on a desktop/laptop the process will run perfectly fine if you can see the VM screen, however when the remote desktop access is closed or minimized...

ChrisS by Level 2
  • 7 replies

RESTful Web Services Support

I've seen all the recent news events around BP support for RESTful API's/web services. Can you tell me which version of Blue Prism provides support for this and if there is documentation around how to get this working in Blue Prism. Thanks

CR by Level 4
  • 3 replies

Memory usage causes hang ups

Hi I've built a process that looks for emails delivered to a mailbox. Where it finds an email with the correct subject and attachment it opens the attachment (a MS Excel file) and carries out a number of checks/calculations on the data within, somet...

Other Holidays in Calendar

What may shift the added Other Holiday to next day? On Janyary we set 1st of May to be Other Holiday, but now it was noticed it had jumped th 2nd of May on the calendar. Also Ascension Day 10th of May has shifted. Is this somehow related to the dayli...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 0 replies