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Confused on a higher level

Level 12
Hi folks,

I have been pointing out earlier that questions on the inner workings of the Blue Prism product should be asked in the community called 'Blue Prism Product'. When I happened to be in another BP community, 'Community Chat' I found a lot of questions clearly referring to the 'Blue Prism Product' community. This led me to ask for some more strict moderation to get the question where they belonged.

Since yesterday I decided to pay the 'Blue Prism University' community a visit as I had a question regarding a BP course published there. To my surprise, I found even there almost only questions on the inner workings of the BP product. Even these belong in my view not in that community but in the 'Blue Prism Product' community. 

A guesstimated 99 out of 100 visits to the community are triggered by my interest to see what questions have been asked there, and if I perhaps can contribute in some form or shape. I am a daily visitor and usually find something interesting or something I can answer. I find it therefor utterly confusing to now suddenly have to visit at least three communities to do so, where clearly one should suffice. Perhaps there are even more communities that I managed to miss thus far?

I find that in other non-RPA communities, there is a strict moderation and questions are moved to the proper thread if they happen to be launched in the 'wrong' thread. None of that on our community as it seems...

If no moderation will take place, and it is left open to anyone asking any question on any type of community, whatever unrelated title is has, there seems no point in having all these communities and we might as well merge all existing into one called 'Blue Prism Community' and do all our shopping for answers there. 

Our options are:
  • Leave it as-is including the prevailing chaos 
  • Merge all communities together in one 'Blue Prism Community' 
  • Apply vivid moderation in order to point the community visitors noses in the right direction and learn them how to surf the community pages in a more responsible manner
What's it gonna be? (...this is more a question for the good folks @blueprism, but y'all feel free to comment)​

Happy coding!
Happy coding!
Paul, Sweden
(By all means, do not mark this as the best answer!)

Hello Paul - I second you on what you wrote. This has already been brought to Community Management's attention. 

What i got to know that WIP for these items and discussions are already ongoing 
There is a DW which is checking if community is receiving enough post/question in certain time and in case of no - that community is being deleted and content is merged with Blue prism Product community.

and  there is one more DW which is coming up or already there( not sure) to move the post inter-community. 

@CharlotteK - This is one of the topic which i discussed with you last week. 


Neeraj Kumar
Technical Architect

Community Team
Community Team
Hi @PvD_SE

This is something we are looking into, we agree it is affecting the experience of our members we are working on ways to end the prevailing chaos.

As @Neeraj Kumar has mentioned we are working on a solution using a DW. We are currently in the process of teaching our DW which threads need to move. @Kevin Barnes has been working with our Internal Automation team, and I have been collecting key words from threads which have been shared in the incorrect community to give the DW the information to effectively do it's task. We hope this will be an effective solution in the near future 🙂

I hope this provides some clarity for you Paul, 

All the best, 


Grace Lanser
Community Associate
Blue Prism