Level 3
since ‎05-12-19

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  • 9 Posts
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Hi All,We developed a Huge process with more than 18 Objects and process got terminated due to out of memory issue. After discussing with our internal COE team they suggested to go with Schedules where only specific objects will be utilized in the sc...
Hi All,I am working on Multi bot and if one of the bot crashes or terminates then it is terminating the other bots.Any thoughts?------------------------------Kiran Pudi------------------------------
Hi All,My Blueprism version 6.4.2 and i have chrome plugin installed. But still i am unable to spy.Are there any setting to be done at the system level?------------------------------Thanks,Kiran Pudi------------------------------
To solve this issue i have enabled memory logs under system manager and we are also invoking code block System.GC.Collect()But if i split the object and implement Multi-Object Design then out of memory issue be solved?Any thoughts on Blue prism memor...
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