since ‎23-05-22

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HTML Content Viewer – Provide an option to enable links within the html email body source.  Currently these links are suppressed for security reasons.   Clients are receiving high volumes on emails ingested into Chorus providing links to additional i...
We need a new Set Value option that is similar to a conditional set value, but where all expressions can be evaluated rather than stopping on the first condition that is met. Ex - I have a pres flow with 8 set values to set some LOB fields based on s...
Need the ability to consolidate more than one attachment file that is received via email through the Chorus process design tool in order to create one source object file attached to the work item. This is the preferred method for Document Automation ...
Need the ability to automatically split documents in addition to the current manual feature. With Documentation Automation integration, it seems like this should be possible. Right now, DA charges for every page submitted. sometimes a document will a...
In Doc split, there is an option to assign a newly created work item to a user. However, if the new work item is associated with a process that runs an automated service as the first step, the new item will not assign to the selected user because the...