Level 11
since ‎17-04-19
2 weeks ago

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  • 328 Posts
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We have exposed a process as a web service an would like to receive a XML structure as input parameter by the calling system.The XML structure should be dynamic so we cannot use collection as input data type. The structure of the collection as input ...
Hello, I guess Director is a plugin for Hub / Control and therefore is not listed in the portal as product? It would be great to have this information somewhere. eg a section in the products overview what plugins are available, as detail to hub what ...
Hello, We are having a look at BP 7.3 and just discovered the Details window in Control for runtime resources.  I am wondering what the meaning of Environment is. Resources connected on default port are shown as Client but when using a different port...
Most of the steps carried out during installation and configuration of BP server can be scripted.  This seems to allow scripting a complete upgrade of to another BP version. What is missing though is the possibility to specify the encryption key in s...
Hello, Is there a list of differences, new features, ... of Enhanced Application Modeller (Beta) compared to the 'old' Application Modeller? Also a list of limitations and a roadmap would be great. thanks------------------------------Walter KollerSol...