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Attach by Window Titles as Collection

Level 6

Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.2 I have noticed that attaching by window titles as collection no longer functions as expected.

If the web site is not launched the exception that is thrown is that Multiple Application match the criteria rather than the expected error that it has not been found.

As a work around we have had to change the attach action to loop through the window titles and utilise the single window title attach field - this does then give the correct exception when the site is not launched.

Is there a change to the window titles as collection function in v7 that I am not aware of?


Level 2


I think we are seeing the same issue.
Did you find any more, or did you stick with looping window titles?

Level 3

I saw this yesterday, how I resolved it is that I would put "Window Title - Chrome", whereas before the update I didn't need the browser name.

I did try a few different ways with wild cards but it didn't work.
The issue with adding the browser name into the title is that we have "Profiles" in use when using MS Edge - the issue is that the profile name isn't always the same across the resources.  So it might say "xxxxx - MS Edge - Work" or "xxxxx - MS Edge - Work2" etc and with wildcards not working the end part of the window title is then not always matched

Hi, no we didn't find another way round it other than to loop the titles.