Level 4
since ‎27-04-21

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Hello,I have a Usecase to Take values from certain columns of one complex Excel to Another excel. When try moving into the collection it is not identifying certain Columns as the Excel structure is like the below. Couldn't get the headers of the Exc...
Hi,Iam having two Excels Countries.xlsx and Capitals.xlsxI wanted to apply Vlookup formula in countries excel inorder to get capitals in a new column.Formula applied : " =VLOOKUP(Table1[@Country],[capitals.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$1:$B$201,2,0) "When run logic...
Hello,Trying to Automate Java forms using BP. When opened the Oracle EBS in IE in Application Modeller and while spying the Java forms in order to identify the fields I couldnt able to switch to "Java Spy Mode" (while pressing alt).The Java spy mode ...
Hello,Trying to Automate Java forms using BP. When opened the Oracle EBS in IE in Application Modeller and while spying the Java forms in order to identify the fields I couldnt able to switch to "Java Spy Mode" (while pressing alt).The Java spy mode ...
Hello,I am having credentials of Oracle DB and those credentials would be the  Username, Password, Role, Hostname, Port, SID of the DB...  I have imported the OLE DB VBO and tried to use Set connection, but not sure which values corresponds to which ...
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