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Resolved! Save Excel worksheet as csv

Newbee question so an example would be helpful...I'm looking for an action that saves a populated Excel worksheet as a .csv file.I expect I need to extend the existing VBO Excel SaveWorkbookAs action which uses the code:wb.SaveAs(filename)to somehow ...

Resolved! How to print PDF with a specific printer

Hello, I have the following problem/question. How can I print a PDF (not opened but location known) via an action phase? I have a list of printers, whereby I have information about the printers in a collection stage. How can I implement this and what...

HTTP Request Post not working

Hi TeamI am using HTTP post with below configuration to pass input on AWS python code.Bad Request 400: The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand.KeyError: 'json_data'try above one as well still getting same issue.Its...

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Decipher enable ML query

Hello team,I'm wondering why the configuration to enable machine learning in decipher IDP is managed in a config file rather than at the UI level.Additionally, having it disabled by default doesn't seem logical to me. Could you please clarify the rea...


MS Excel VBO

Hi, Can anyone please try to help me with this error. I recently added MS Excel VBO from digital exchange. New to the Blueprsim. During an excel operation I am getting the following error: When I'm trying to open workbook Internal : Could not execute...


7.2.1 Surface Automation on Chrome

Hello,We have just started automation against chrome.  Some of the links on the website we are automating against cannot be clicked due to them invoking a java script.To get around this , we are using surface automation to identify the link and then ...

File Management 64bit - Get CSV Text As Collection

We noticed something strange with this action, when a column has a mix of numbers and text , the column will be designated as a data type of 'Number' , this will then not upload into the collection any item in the column which has a text value ,Examp...

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