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The browser extension was not detected

Level 2
Intermittently getting below error while launching and navigating through the chrome browser.

The browser extension was not detected, please check that it has been installed and enabled. For more information, see the browser extension user guide.

It works sometimes and then starts failing for no reason. Has anyone encountered this and knows a solution?
BP Version - 6.10.1
Chrome extension - Blue Prism Extension 6.5 - 6.10 Manifest V3


Level 9

Hello @AJP ,

​Sorry for not answering your question.
I'm using Edge and the same thing happens every so often.
I want to know the solution to this problem as well as you.

BP Version - 6.10.5



In BP version 6.10.* are using ports =>

My suggestion is always to use the throttle or static wait after launching the browser (wait 10-15sec) and also after the kill the browser (wait 10-15sec) in Object Level. I checked with 12 sec now all is good


Software Engineer | RPA Developer
Thanks Prasanth Software Engineer | RPA Developer

Thanks, Prasanth.

We have got some throttling in place but that might not be adequate. Let me increase that to see if it makes any difference.

Thanks again.


This issue will come if you are not selected the "Browser Fixed Port" settings. I have faced the same issue.
If you have multiple browsers open at the same time then this issue used to come, Once you select that option this issue will not appear.
There are a few drawbacks on selecting that option but this option will only fix that issue.

Amlan Sahoo
Senior RPA Consultant
Amlan Sahoo

Honestly saying I also could not find any proper solution to this, the fixed port checkbox is suggested in the KB article but even with that box checked I have seen this issue keep appearing on my machine as well as on the other 2 colleagues.

We also tried the delay thing to wait before and after the browser but that also could not rule out the issue.

Earlier I faced this in 6.10.4 so updated it to 6.10.5 and it worked fine for a couple of weeks and then again it started.

If I was of assistance, please vote for it to be the "Best Answer".

Thanks & Regards,
Tejaskumar Darji
Sr. Consultant-Technical Lead


Perhaps far fetched but I give it a try anyway:
Could it be that you have two instances of the browser (Chrome) installed on you PC (or VDI)? One instance in .../Program Files/... and the other in .../Program Files (x86)/... and only one of them having the BP plugin installed?

Happy coding!
Happy coding!
Paul, Sweden
(By all means, do not mark this as the best answer!)

Thanks for the responses. 

As of now, I have increased throttling to 15 seconds which was set to 5 seconds earlier, and have not encountered the issue yesterday. Perhaps, I will wait for a couple of more days to confirm if that works as the issue was intermittent.



We had faced same issue and found that the edge is connecting to blue prism browser port.

Please kill msedge.exe before launch Chrome.

Please let me know if its work with you or not.


Nilesh Jadhav
Senior RPA Specialist
Nilesh Jadhav.

Hi All,

I have tried all the above mentioned possibilities, but still no luck.
BP Version - 7.1.2
Chrome and Edge same version only.
Please let me know if any possible solution for this issue.

Mahalakshmi Padmanabhan