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Forum Posts

Resolved! Blue Prism in Edge Performance Slow / Degrading / Memory

I have observed an issue with Blue Prism using Microsoft edge whereby performance appears to decline.  Processing times slow, I suspect due to screen elements taking longer to identify with each repeat of steps.Has anyone else had issues with Edge no...

Internal: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow

Hi,I am using OpenJDK version 8 in 6.10  blueprism for automating java-based application. Using java spying mode I have selected one table. The table element is getting highlighted but when trying to fetch the table data using get all items, I am get...

Resolved! Cant export Excel as PDF

Hi, Im trying to export my Excel as PDF but it´s not working..I downloaded the latest Excel VBO but and even tried the extended with no success.My inputs: (which should be fine because they work with all the other actions..)Error:@ewilson  All help a...

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Open JDK

Because of Oracle licensing change to charge for Java JDK, our company decided to go for Open JDK.We are now trying to figure out what it means to use Open JDK instead of Oracle JDK.We noticed WindowsAccessBridge DLL is not located in the expected Wi...

Decipher IDP remove instance of a space/empty character

Hello - I am capturing various fields from a document and depending on the quality/font formatting we receive, Decipher might pick up empty characters that I don't want to export. example: firstna melastnam e @ domain. comIs there a way to filter out...

7 2 2 upgrade memory exception

Hello, after upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2.2 me and my colleagues getting exception while execution of processes using browser happen: ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Navigate1' on page 'Launch' - Failed to launch - An excepti...

Tesseract Couldn't load any languages

Hello everyone, I'm trying to use Tesseract to read an image with OCR using a TrainedData file named "eng", but now the error just says that Tesseract couldn't be initialized. The trained data is on the Blue Prism default folder(i'm using BP 7.3)  

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Utility Http - how to turn off SSL

We are trying to call an API using latest version Utility HTTP VBO.In postman - this is working fine. we have feed Proxy URL and Disable the SSL certification verification.Need to know how SSL certificate can be turned off/ bypassed via Utility HTTP ...

Neel1 by MVP
  • 1 replies

ERROR: Internal : Execution Timeout Expired.

Hello, I am trying to run a query looking for the completed items in the QW, but I get this error. Currently there are 4644 elements in the Work Queue, previously when there were less elements in the work queue this error did not occur.

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BPAAuditEvents Codes (sCode)

Hi,I posted this question earlier in the wrong community. I am looking for an explanation of all these codes from BPAAuditEvents table:C003T0010R005AR02A004U001E006P001O002S019.....etc ...Thank you------------------------------Naji-------------------...

Printing CODE 128 barcode in Word Document

I am writing an automation that will produce a Word document that I'll save as a PDF and email it.  I need to print the employee id as a Code 128 bar code.  Has anyone done this?  I saw where you can use CTRL+F9 and use the command "DisplayBarcode" i...

rhester by Level 3
  • 4 replies