since ‎17-04-19

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Hello BPU team- For the below mentioned course. there are multiple video which are not available.SS&C Blue Prism Process Intelligence 2.1 (powered by ABBYY Timeline) - Analysis - 1. Using Filters, Sets, Timelines and Metricsi can sense that all these...
I am using below DX VBO and noticed that User guide is not updated as per 3.1.0 version but with 3.0.0 version. i shared sample snip of one action from PDF guide to VBO.@ewilson  - can you get this updated.
using BP version 7.0 - I have two VBO as visible below. The one under Web API is older one and other one is new.When i am selecting the bottom one in action and click on okay. VBO got changed to Web API one.What can be possible reason for this.  i no...
Currently in Interact version 4.7 , When we raise/submit a submission from interact API, Rules set to fields are not getting triggered while this feature is working from Interact UI. 
Hey @ewilson I am tagging you here since DX ideas portal is having intermittent issue. i submitted two new enhancement.please check as the time permit.Outlook Graph API - Add/Remove person name in distribution list.Outlook VBo[Legacy + Graph API] - A...