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Export Sharepoint Skill

Level 3
Is there a way to export a skill out of 1 environment in order to import into another environment?

The Sharepoint Document Library and Sharepoint ACS Based Autentication skills are no longer on the DX website.  Please help!

Brent Geesaman
Manager Software Dev & Engineering

Hi @Brent Geesaman,

Skills are not generally exportable from Blue Prism. Do you no longer have copies of the ..bpskill file used to originally import them?


Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange

Hi @ewilson we did not have a copy of the skill as the process was developed with another company about a year ago.  We were not able to find the skill on the DX.  The vendor has provided us a copy of the skill they used.​

Brent Geesaman
Manager Software Dev & Engineering

Dropped you a message regarding those skills.


Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange

Hi Eric,

We find ourselves in the same situation as Brent. Would you please send us also the .bpskill files for Sharepoint Document Library and Sharepoint ACS Based Autentication skills?

Thank you very much,
<Kevin />

Kevin Pham


The old SharePoint skills can be found in the attached zip file.

NOTICE: These skills are NOT supported by Blue Prism. It is HIGHLY recommended that you review any processes currently using these skills and determine a migration path either to the Microsoft Graph API, the SharePoint REST API v1, or the Microsoft SharePoint Online Client Components SDK. The Digital Exchange contains initial implementations of SharePoint connectors that leverage Microsoft Graph API.​


Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange

Hi Eric,

Thank you for the quick reply and the notice.

We actually started (some time last year) to look into using Microsoft Graph API which looks pretty promising. However, it requires the permissions to be set from AD at the top level of the Sharepoint site and does not allow granular permissions only at the subsite level like with Sharepoint ACS Authentication. Thus we got stopped by our Security team because of that concern: they only want to give the bot access to the sub-site that a particular RPA process needs.

<Kevin />

Kevin Pham


Thanks for the feedback. What type of authentication were you using with Graph? Was it Delegated (requires a signed in user account) or Application (no signed-in user) authentication? There was a new permission level for SharePoint introduced last year called Sites.Selected. This is related to Application tokens. It allows you to set specific site collections that an application can access with Read, Write, or Read/Write permissions.

There's more info about the permission available on this blog post:


Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange

Yes Eric,

I already saw this video back then. It's too bad there is still no UX developed yet (after a year) to manage the permission as promised in the video. The suggested method is rather rudimentary​ ihmo and more a POC and I don't think I can convince my IT AD admin person to do this for me.

<Kevin />

Kevin Pham

Hello, where can I access the zip file you attached? We are also trying to locate the sharepoint ACS Based Authentication skill as I cannot export it from our one environment to another. Thanks!

Reid Larson
Innovations Analyst
Seyfarth Shaw LLP