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Attaching to browser

Level 4
Is there a way to attach to a browser on a specific website which has been launched by another action? E.g. The first action launches the browser website and fills in some details which loads a new page and the second action attaches to the new page and selects elements on the page.

Level 3
Hi Ritesh, You can attach to the browser by Attaching to the second browser page by its title. Regards,

Hi Sufyan, Thank you for your reply. I tried to attach to the second browser page (the page is loaded on the same tab but with a new title name), however I keep getting the error ""Target Application could not be found"". Regards, Ritesh

Level 4
Heya, if you are getting that error that just means BluePrism can't find what you are specifying it to look for. Once you have built the object to look for a browser and you tell it that you will attach to a running instance (this setting is in the application wizard). You create a navigate stage, give it the root element and choose attach option. When you do this you will get several criteria to help bp attach to the browser instance, these criteria are window title(collection and text string), child index and process name. play around with these to be as specific as you want or s vague as you want. sometimes more vagueness in detail can allow bp to find what you are trying to attach to. search the knowledge base for more help, or try reading this page this might shine some light for you Dexter

Level 4
Hi Dexter, Thanks for your reply. I've tried experimenting with the criteria for attaching to processes however Blue Prism still cannot find the target application, despite me providing it with the required details.

Level 15
There are recommendations in the Browser Autoamtion Guide that are relevant to this. First make sure you have the TabProcGrowth registry setting set in your environment. Secondly you may need to experiment with the Child Index input in your attach stage to attach to the correct IE process. I would also suggest you make sure you are running Application Modeller in the correct mode (64bit/32bit) for your browser version - that is sometimes worth experimenting with if desktop/IE/and Blue Prism are not all built in the same 32 or 64 bit platform.

Level 2
Hi ritesh, Here is how i attached. Use a navigate block with action Attach. In windows title give your page name to look for eg: ""BP*"" if the home page says BP Travel. Use double quotes. In Process name enter ""iexplore"" without exe. In child index say 1 if using just one tab in IE. Hope this helps.