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Pushing work into blueprism

Level 3
Hi, Up to now i have always gone and pulled work into blue prism weather this is running a sql script, web service, excel file etc I am wondering if there is any API or service that can be used so that work is pushed into blue prism without the need to run a process to generate the work. What I am thinking is instead of an application generating the item to be worked > writing it to a database > blue prism runs a sql script against the database and adds it to the queue. We just have application generates item to be worked > application writes item to be worked into blue prism. Not sure if this is something anyone has ever done or even can be done I can think of a number of risks that might stop you wanting to do it but am just wanting to see if it can be done first.

Level 6
One way I can think of is by using Command prompt, Application  can write in the Blueprism Work Queue. But Security Constraints need to be looked at.

Level 2
I emailed the Support a couple of weeks ago and got this answer: ""Thank you for contacting Blue Prism Support. Unfortunately there is no API for adding work to work queues outside of the functionality of the VBO.

Level 2
You can expose a blue prism process as a webservice which can be called any webservice client. This process can load your work queue.

Level 2
You can expose a blue prism process as a webservice which can be called any webservice client. This process can load your work queue.