Level 3
since ‎17-04-19

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  • 8 Posts
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Hi,is it possible to get a list of all Errors in Processes and Objects.I am wanting to see if there are any Processes and Objects that contain an Error.I have access to the database if it is in there------------------------------Adam Macgregor-SteelR...
We have an issue where when we are trying to read a single character field on a Java application, we  get a lot of non screen visible symbols returned after the single character.We are using Blue Prism version 6.4.3, and the java application is oracl...
Hi,I have received an error message that i have not received before.When running the built in expression GetResourceName() I receive the below.Not Running BluePrism.AutomateProcessCore.InvalidExpressionException: Not running at AutomateUI.ctlProcessE...
Hi,it would be good if the schedule functionality could be amended so that there is no need to wait for all machines to finish a task before moving onto the next task.I believe scheduling would be improved if once any machine has completed a task tha...
Hi, I am using login agent successfully, but am having issues when a machine is restarted. All our machines are are virtual and run of one image, on restart the machines are reset to the original image and as such no user profiles exist and i recei...
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