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Status: New

Hi there,

I'd like to suggest an idea to improve BP Studio. It is just about the visibility of texts in the BP Process/Object Studio.

If you see the attached screenshot, the selected rows values fonts dont have enough visibility.

Especially, when were providing training sessions to our partners/customers, people who sit down further from the screen are hard/unable to see the texts.

I attached a ppt file to show more cases. Please check the attachment.

Thank you.

from Blue Prism Korea

Level 12

Splendid idea that I'd like to  extend with BP remembering any chosen column width and position so it will be used again next time I open such a window.

This goes throughout all of BP that always opens windows at the same location, always in the same size, and any process or object opened also starts in the same location and size. As I consider each location and each size as being not my preference, guess how happy I am with the entire UI of the BP product.

This has been brought under the attention years ago and is still valid today. I'll repeat my view anyway:

While the BP product is quite ok, the UI sucks big time. 

Good one. Upvoted.