Level 5
since ‎21-12-20

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File Uploads Back to Interact:When we upload files from BP to Interact the file got stored into self-serve-private and create a link for us.Which isn't accessible as through webapage as it stored into self-serve-private.Proposed workaround : Write a ...
Hyperlinks: There is no ability to add hyperlinks on an Interact form. The URL will need to be displayed in a textbox on the form. The user would then copy the URL and paste into a web browser.We will need to use this method when uploading files back...
Need to have a functionality where user can copy rows from excel to interact form and the form fields will get populated.Able to copy data from excel to interact form fields and the look and feel will be same as excel.
Setting Priority: The Interact Form cannot set the “Priority” on the Blue Prism Queue Item.We have certain SLAs to meet for our processes urgent items i.e., 2 hrs.So definitely need that functionality regarding that and also if possible its better if...
Interact database :Table : UserRequests storing all the forms submission in one table.Multiple forms will be there no way to understand the submissions for which forms.