The correct keystroke depends on the emulator you are using. The syntax ""[enter]"" suggests you are using an IBM emulator in which case the page up and page down will be [pageup] and [pagedn]
You shouldn't need to use global send key events with mainframe. Blue Prism offers native support to several types of mainframe emulator e.g. IBM Personal Communications, Attachmate etc which allow you to read and write to the screen using the emulat...
Thick client is where the application is local i.e. on the same machine as Blue Prism rather delivered via Citrix (thin client). If it is you will select the Mainframe session when running the Application Modeller wizard in object studio.
If you ar...
I'm assuming you have thick client access to IBM PCom.
When interfacing with IBM Pcom the mnemonic keywords need to be enclosed in square brackets e.g.[enter] [pf16] [delete] etc.
Also when interfacing with mainframe emulators always use Send Keys n...
Focus is not being set to the target system. This is because you aren't correctly activating the application or when testing it you are forcing focus back to Blue Prism i.e. by stepping through the process rather than running it or stepping out.
You ...