11:51 AM
- edited on
12:09 PM
When policy holders pass away there is a manual process to notify other areas of the business that policies need to go through a claim process or be cancelled. As this was a manual process this wasn’t robust and often led to things being missed leading to delays and issues at a very sensitive time for a claimant.
This opportunity was initially identified through a transformation project and formed part of a work stack where each individual process for processing a claim was a unique project to deliver.
The first step taken was to identify that the right overall approach was to deal with a death claim as 1 process in the organisation with multiple sub process that can be followed. This dictated the need for a “master” process that would act as the initial data gatherer and the decision maker that would feed into the various sub processes. Through a phased delivery this would allow the process to expand into multiple areas of the business over time and allow for a joined up approach through the “master” process.
Quality Assurance
Testing, implementation & hyper care of the “master” process was the priority as all other processes would be triggered by this and so crucial that this was extensively tested. Once live new processes went through our standard testing and deployment process.
Deployment went through our standard implementation process with one additional step. As each new Product Specific process was implemented a change was raised to the “master” process to stop sending that process for manual working and instead trigger the newly implemented process.
The main challenges in this build was the design/specification of the process. A significant amount of time had to go into the design of the form and master process to make sure that as new builds we added in this didn't require extensive reworking of the form and “master” process.
This required several iterations of the form and workflow of the master process and working closely with SMEs from planned builds and also potential future builds to make sure that all scenarios and interactions between processes were thought out whilst also balancing the need to keep this as simple as possible for call handlers to make sure they could focus on the call and not the process.
The initial benefit from this project is 3.5 FTE, with this expected to grow as future processes get brought into scope.
Due to simplifying the form we were able to half the potential number of questions caller handlers needed to ask when being notified that a policy holder was deceased. This made the process far simpler for them allowing them to really focus on the caller and not the process.
As the process was simplified the business was able to roll this out to a larger number of teams to increase the number of people who could deal with a death notification call and invest more time in soft skill coaching/training rather than process training.
Claimants were on calls for less time, a reduction of circa 10 mins per call, as they were having to provide less information. The processing of claims was also able to be completed quicker by an average of 7 days.
At such an emotional time keeping the process as simple and effortless as possible is invaluable.
It must be an awful thing to call up a series of strangers and let them know that someone you love has passed away. What an amazing and impactful project to work on - well done team Wesleyan!
I absolutely love that this allowed you more time to focus on soft skill coaching too 💙