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Activity in Get Creative

Data Extraction From web page

Now a days data extraction from a web page or web table is very easy by all other RPA tools. It is available separately in all the tools. I have raised it earlier as well to add similar kind of feature in BP. Now the way BP is extracting data from we...

UIA Mode Performance increase

UIA mode performance needs to improve. As we highly dependent on UIA while doing Browser automation. Because in browser other than browser mode only UIA works.So it's performance needs to improve. We should able to highlight quickly using UIA mode.

Audit log - unsuccessful login attempts logging

We need the ability to log user unsuccessful login attempts into the Blue Prism platform audit logs. Presently, while we can see all successful login / logoff attempts, unsuccessful login attempts are not logged. As confirmed by the BP support team s...

Security role templates and export & import

It would be helpful to be able to create and apply templates for user security role definitions in System tab. Additionally to be able to export and import those templates to move from one environment to another.Being able to export security roles in...

BP Client re-connect feature

Blue Prism client/studio should be able to handle interrupted network connection.We are working in a mobile environment moving with our laptops from meeting to meeting and to the closest working area. It happens that your laptops are changing network...

User restriction on "root"

It should be possible to apply restrictions not only on folder but on their parents / root of the folder hierarchy.Currently it is possible to create folder and apply restriction but user are able to create their own folders. Those folders can lead t...

Organizing Timetables view

Our users like the calendar view of the Scheduler\Timetables window but it shows all schedules for all resources making it impossible to actually see what is relevant for users who are interested on their own processes.I would expect the possibility ...

Testing Aid

It would be great when testing a process/object in debug mode, if it showed you, maybe by colour coding, which path has been taken through the code. You could then easily see what parts of the code hasn't been tested.

Coloring and grouping page

During development for large processes, time is wasted on finding the right page. This can be sped up by organizing the pages, but it would be faster and easier to read if the pages could be grouped and/or colored.Groups could be rolled up and expand...

raorc by Level 3
  • 5 replies

Missing sessions listed in control room

Hi there, is it possible to implement in blue prism following point : "missed" sessions appearing in the session list when a schedule is skipped.When a process runs for different reasons over the scheduled time , it would conflict with the next proce...

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