question Is it possible for Blue Prism to support screen reader software used by visually impaired software engineers? Background of the question A visually impaired software engineer uses screen reader software for Windows application programs. * 1...
The ability to see the dependency relationships for nested references in the Advanced Find search window. This search feature was available in earlier versions of Blue Prism, but has been removed in recent versions. The ability to search by nested re...
Consider introducing Inheritance concepts for Objects and Processes.Imagine developing Processes for delivering products or services to Amazon, Target, Walmart and more.The process is the same, but implementation and details vary. Today, we have to c...
Hi,as we have multiple instances of Blue Prism in our enterprise with various license keys, i would be good to have a single license server to manage those keys easier and get a better utilization of the existing bots.
Sorry if this idea is duplication of existing idea but we are now going to upgrade to 7.3.2 and noticed again the nice feature of being able to show details of a resource in Control.It would be great to have at least local FQDN and server FQDN select...
Currently, when editing a stage properties, or writing an expression, on the right hand-side of the window we have a data items filter:It would be really handy if this filter could have another group added - Exposure.This would help finding all envir...
It would be preferable to have an additional setting with regards to logging and sensitive data. While logging can be disabled or set to not log the parameters, if such instance occurs where full logging has to be enabled at resource level to determi...
Using Communications to send emails, I need the ability to auto-populate multiple CC recipients rather than only being able to auto-populate the recipient and one CC Recipient. In the manually process I can only add additional CC recipients from the...
As BP 7.2 is moved to 64bit, could you please move Java version on Data Gateway(logstash) to 64bit Java.Currently there is no option to choose latest version on Data Gateways. So please make configuration more robust for updating the version on Java....
Electronic communications with customers (as PDF attachments) are often sent password-protected, requiring the customer to enter a piece of data known only to them. This enhancement potentially prevents/reduces the potential for fraudulent activity s...
Allow a user to open up and interact with WORD documents while editing a letter in Communications. Clients often have to refer to multiple documents when creating a letter to be issued, Currently having other WORD docs open when editing a letter in C...
With BluePrism Hub there is a need to store and distribute the API key. If this could be automated so users can request this and rabbitmq could distribute the key. It would probably need to have an approval or HITL stage gate.Moderator note: Changed ...
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