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BOT scheduling using programming language

Level 3

Is there any other way to schedule​ or run bot external program using CMD.

srihari j
Application Development Analyst

Level 10
If you don't want to use the BP inbuild scheduler, you can still use any of the scheduler available to you.
One of the easiest way to do it is:

1-  All BP processes can be run via the cmd line. Check for command line reference in the help section of BP software itself.
2-  You can write the cmd line for running the process you want in  batch file and trigger that batch file from external scheduler as per your wish.

Vivek Goel
"If you like this post, please press the "Recommend" Button.

Level 5
Hi Srihari,

Yes you can trigger the process externally and you can do many more operations without logging into blueprism.

Start C:\"Program Files"\"Blue Prism Limited"\"Blue Prism Automate"\AutomateC /run "test" /user ABCD Password123 bp

Copy paste the above line in a note pad edit test => your process name, ABCD => your bp username , Password123 => your bp password 
and save as .bat file.


Open cmd prompt

C:\"Program Files"\"Blue Prism Limited"\"Blue Prism Automate"\AutomateC /run "test" /user ABCD Password123 bp

edit the above line test => your process name, ABCD => your bp username , Password123 => your bp password


You can find more information in > open blue prism application > open up a process in process studio > Help >  show help topic / press F1 > Command Line .


Gerald J
Automation Engineer

Hi, Gerald
I tried to use the command line to schedule my process but the only way I had to working with this command line was logging into the blue prism. If I closed the aplication, this command didn't work properly, but if I run BP and I use this command line, It works. 
I post this message
The first comand line, as you can see, it didn't work. The second try, it worked properly. At the first time, BP was closed, the second time, BP was running.

Thank you so much

Alberto Gómez

Because there is no resource pc running on localhost. Either run standalone resourcepc or use /resource hostname to run it on another resourcepc that is actually online.

Andrey Kudinov
Project Manager
MobileTelesystems PJSC

Thank you very much, Andrey! It works!!

Alberto Gómez