Hi! I'm using an older Blue Prism version, v6.6 specifically. When I download new VBOs from the DX I find that there are Code Stages in C# which do not compile.
When I look in the object's Code Stages to see what is going on, I find it is nearly always due to string interpolation - that C# 6 feature where you write a string literal prefixed with a dollar symbol and then enclose variable names in curly brackets inside the string. I assume using any other C# 6 features would cause the same thing, but it's usually string interpolation.
My question is: Is there any way to make my older version of BP use the newer C# features?
I'm just setting out on a project to upgrade my Blue Prism infrastructure, but wondered if there was a workaround I could use for the next two or three months (other than rewriting all the strings in the VBO!)