What's Changing?Microsoft are removing the ability to use Basic Authentication in Exchange Online for POP, IMAP, and other protocols.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/deprecation-of-basic-authentication-exchange-onlineFrom Microsoft's announcement:"
SMTP AUTH will still be available when Basic authentication is permanently disabled on October 1, 2022. The reason SMTP will still be available is that many multi-function devices such as printers and scanners can't be updated to use modern authentication. However, we strongly encourage customers to move away from using Basic authentication with SMTP AUTH when possible. Other options for sending authenticated mail include using alternative protocols, such as the Microsoft Graph API."
Microsoft's change does
NOT impact the Outlook EMail VBO or the Microsoft Graph-based Outlook connector.
Updated VBOWe have released an update to the
EMail - POP3/SMTP VBO which includes support for OAuth2 authentication with POP3. If you don't require OAuth2 support for POP3, you can continue to use the VBO as you normally would. If you do require OAuth2 authentication to access your mailboxes via POP3 (ex. Exchange Online), there are two new input parameters that must be set on the Configure action. They are
Use OAuth2 (Flag) and
Access Token (Text). You must retrieve an Access Token first, before calling the
Configure action. For Microsoft Exchange Online, you can leverage the
Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL.NET) VBO to get a Delegated Access token based on username and password. That token can then be passed in to the POP3 VBO to perform any actions.
#Email #POP3 #SMTPCheers,
Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange