11-05-23 05:29 PM
Hi i have a process to check if a url is working or broken. I was able to do bt making http request and get response but some of the urls are external to client like transunion.com and i am getting error message responce as blocked. I wanted to make a http call telling it that request is from browser like chrome. How can i set input to http activity
22-05-23 04:48 PM
Is the request being blocked by a proxy? If so, did you set the proxy settings on the HTTP VBO? If you're trying to impersonate the browser you'll need to set the User-Agent HTTP header on the request.
30-05-23 03:58 PM
31-05-23 02:07 AM
There's an input Collection on most of the actions exposed by the HTTP VBO. It's called Headers. You populate that Collection with any HTTP headers you want included in your request. In this case, you'd create a field called User-Agent and you'd set it's value to whatever user-agent string you're trying to mimic.