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Is there a long method operation for modulo if mod or % is not a supported function/operator?

This is related to the Zeller's Congruence algorithm where there is a requirement to use Modulo to get the actual day of an input date. However, in the software I'm using which is Blueprism, there is no modulo operator/function that is available and I can't get the result I would hope to get.

In some coding language (Python, C#, Java), Zeller's congruence formula were provided because mod is available.

Would anyone know a long method of combine arithmetic operation to get the mod result?

From what I've read, mod is the remainder result from two numbers. But 181 mod 7 = 6 and 181 divided by 7 = 25.857.. the remainder result are different.

Disclaimer: This content was auto-posted from Stackoverflow. The original Stackoverflow question is here Stackoverflow Post, posted by erlomboy.
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Best Answers

There are a couple of ways to execute a Modulo calculation within Blue Prism, either with a Calculation Stage or a Code Stage.

With a Calculation Stage, you are correct, you have to use a long form expression instead. That can be achieved with the following formula.
  • For example, 27 % 5 = 2, where 27 is the dividend and 5 is the divisor.
  • To achieve that in a Calculation stage: [dividend] - ((RndDn([dividend]/[divisor]))*[divisor])
With a Code Stage, you have C# and Visual Basic available to you, which means the Mod operator is available. You could either run your entire formula within a code stage, or just execute the Mod piece of the formula.


Charles Kovacs
Developer Consultant
Blue Prism
Charlie Kovacs Sr. Digital Exchange Engineer Blue Prism Austin, USA

View answer in original post


There are a couple of ways to execute a Modulo calculation within Blue Prism, either with a Calculation Stage or a Code Stage.

With a Calculation Stage, you are correct, you have to use a long form expression instead. That can be achieved with the following formula.
  • For example, 27 % 5 = 2, where 27 is the dividend and 5 is the divisor.
  • To achieve that in a Calculation stage: [dividend] - ((RndDn([dividend]/[divisor]))*[divisor])
With a Code Stage, you have C# and Visual Basic available to you, which means the Mod operator is available. You could either run your entire formula within a code stage, or just execute the Mod piece of the formula.


Charles Kovacs
Developer Consultant
Blue Prism
Charlie Kovacs Sr. Digital Exchange Engineer Blue Prism Austin, USA

Very soon, we will have a Utility Maths library available in the Digital Exchange (DX) this will be a free extension and will provide complimentary mathematics support to Blue Prism.

Please watch the Digital Exchange for more details over the coming week.

Geoff Hirst
Partner Pre Sales
Blue Prism
Geoff Hirst Senior DX Engineer - Digital Exchange - EMEA SS&C Blue Prism