02-11-23 05:01 PM
Good Day, All,
This is more along the lines of making sure I am not missing something (and probably something obvious at that). I need to copy email items between folders, and I am not seeing a way to do that, at least not easily.
Given an EntryID, I can 'Move' items, but that removes the email from the original folder, and I need the original copy to remain (with the original EntryID).
I suppose I could 'Forward' the item back to the Inbox and have different Rules in place to address it, but then the second email is functionally different than the original.
Outlook has a 'Copy to Folder' action, but it may not be mapped (yet?).
Thanks so much,
03-11-23 10:26 AM
Hi Robert
I think you'll need to create a Copy Item action, based on the Move Item action. You could do this by simply duplicating the existing Move Item page, but it might be safer in the long term to create your own VBO of bespoke Outlook actions. That way, you can import a newer version of the official VBO without overwriting your stuff.
I think all that's needed is an extra line in the Move Item code stage: