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Sharepoint Skills BP Integration

Level 3
Hi All, 

We are trying to use Sharepoint skills given in BP digital exchange for interacting with Sharepoint lists. We were able to authenticate using the Sharepoint ACS Authentication skill but post that when we tried to execute Get List Items we are getting below error message. The user executing this process in studio already has full control access of the sharepoint site and required list but error message still suggests that its an authorization issue. Has anyone successfully used this skill or ever seen the error? If yes, could you please let me know what needs to be done to make the authentication work? Also, does it use the windows user id to authenticate or BluePrism Application server user id since I dont see any option of providing the user name who is trying to execute? Any response is appreciated.

Internal : Unexpected error Error during Web API HTTP Request

HTTP Status Code: 403

HTTP Response Content: {"error":{"code":"-2147024891, System.UnauthorizedAccessException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource."}}}


Johny Jain
IT Solution Engineer
Kimberly Clark

Level 5
Hi ,
Did you get any resolution to this issue?

Sandeep S

Sandeep Satish

Yes, we have been able to make this work. Steps are to create client and secret id using the appreg url of  the format https://<base site/subsite>/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx. Once done go to the appInv site of the subsite https://<basesite/subsite/_layouts/15/AppInv.aspx and for the same app id enter the xml <AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="http://sharepoint/content/sitecollection/web" Right="Write" />

The user who is trying to access the site using the skill must be allowed to access the site in read/edit mode. Please share specific error message if you face any.

Johny Jain
IT Solution Engineer
Kimberly Clark

Hi Johny,

I have tried the above steps and still get the same error message "Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.".

You mentioned "The user who is trying to access the site using the skill must be allowed to access the site in read/edit mode.". I am running the Blue Prism process on my laptop and calling the "Blueprism: Sharepoint List Utility" > "Get List Items" action and I receive the above mentioned error message. So are you saying that my user account should have access to the site? If so, I am the site administrator. Or is it a different user that I need to give access to in SharePoint?


Ajit Mankottil
Senior Automation Delivery Lead
Revenue NSW