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Trying to get excel sheet info into collections(Blue prism)

While trying to write the excel data into collections bu Getting error.

'Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Select method of Range class failed'

Disclaimer: This content was auto-posted from Stackoverflow. The original Stackoverflow question is here Stackoverflow Post, posted by Dinesh Naidu.
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Hi Dinesh, 

Which of the following Worksheet As Collection Actions do you handle to get the Excel sheet into the collection?
  • Get Worksheet As Collection
  • Get Worksheet As Collection (Fast)
  • Get Worksheet As Collection Offset

Please examine applying Get Worksheet As Collection (Fast) Action. Hopefully, this would resolve the issue.

Jega Avinasinathan
Customer Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Jega Avinasinathan Customer Support Engineer Blue Prism