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Command line query PC connect to BP Server status?

Level 2
Hello, I am new to blue prism.
I use BP v5.0.30  , I have the following setup.

3 blue prism server, assume its IP is and and
1 share PC, assume its IP is
Note, I am NOT admin user. However I can login to above 3 BP server's control room and some other limited setting. and login to that PC with normal user right.

I know I can run the following command to the PC which install as blue prism client
telnet 8199

and I type command:  help
it will show: Available commands:

help create delete start
action status vars varupdates
setvar getparams controller members
pool connections availability user
password internalauth proxyfor userlist
proclist caps outputs stop
startp busy version quit
shutdown ping

Use help <command> for more information.

The question I want to ask is, can I use the above command to query the following information?
1. which blue prism server does that PC connect to? ( don't ask me why I don't login the PC and check there, because it is slow. )
2. what is the connection status? ( I meant in blue prism server control room, I can see the status: online or offline )

3. beside the above command line, is there another way I can query the above information? like instead of telnet to the PC, can I telnet to the 3 BP server individually, and run command line check if that PC is connect to that server?
4. how about blue prism v6.5.1, there is no 8199 port in that version. how can I get the above information in command line?

Please note, I am NOT a admin or DB user.
Thank you

David NG