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1. How can I stop the running process via AutomateC command

Level 4
Hi ,

Can you please suggest the AutomateC Command to stop the job.

I tried the following command its not working.

/requeststop <sessionid|sessionnumber>

Is there any command to stop the job by immediate request?

Mupps S


What is the response that you are getting after running the command? Have you passed in the correct session id for the process run that you are trying to stop?

Shashank Kumar
DX Integrations Partner Consultant
Blue Prism

thanks for the response 

C:\Program Files\BluePrism 6.6>.\AutomateC.exe /requeststop 2e324bde-1612-4ad5-a65f-50917548d494 /user <username> <pwd>
Stop requested for session: 2e324bde-1612-4ad5-a65f-50917548d494

this is the output of that command.

Yes I am passing the correct sessionId .

after the response I checked in the BP application the job not stopped.

Mupps S