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Automatically set exception at CleanUp

Level 2
Hi All, I am facing an issue in workqueue. My task is marked as completed in Work Queue but while generating the report the task is marked as exception "Automatically set exception at CleanUp ". Kindly suggest any solution. Thanks in advance.

That exception message indicates that the process was in possession of the queue item when it reached the end (or terminated). At the end of the process BP does not know what to do with the item, so it applies this default message. Look again at your process design to see how queue items could still be locked when the process ends.

Level 2
I have scheduled 4 machines and if one of the machines in the scheduler gets terminated then the remaining machines get terminated for this reason cases are marked in exception. If there is any solution in the scheduler so that even if one machine gets terminated then other machines will not have any impact on this.    

From the in-product Help: By default, a task is configured to 'fail fast', ie. to immediately terminate the task if any sessions fail to start or terminate due to an exception. This can be overridden by unticking the 'Fail fast on any errors' checkbox. Note that detecting a task failure works differently when fail fast is enabled compared to when it is not. If a task is set to fail fast, a task is terminated when any errors in any of the sessions occur - eg. if a resource couldn't be contacted or was too busy to create a session, or if a session raised an exception and terminated abnormally. If a task is set not to fail fast, a task is only terminated if an error occurs in all of its sessions - and that task termination only takes place when the last running session is detected to have failed.