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Automating Processes with Manual Steps - Emmanuel Katto

Level 2

Hello All, I am Emmanuel Katto from Uganda. We're looking to automate a complex business process, but it requires manual intervention at certain stages. Are there any strategies for automating processes with manual steps? Please let me know.


Emmanuel Katto


Level 15

This is becoming more and more common.    In most scenarios the best solution is to design a workflow for the business process where the robot and the human interact via a form type application screen that is presented to the human to make decisions.  This is what the Blue Prism interact product was created to enable you to build.   

An example might be... human loads work for the robot to work using the app,  robot does some of the work up until the point where a human must approve,  the interact screen shows rows to the user in a form for them to approve,  robot then does the remaining system updates for the cases that have been approved.  This is potentially a complex solution so I would recommend seeking consultancy help from the Blue Prism Professional Services team if you need it.

In some edge cases where the application can only be run on the users desktop this interaction may be done using Blue Prism Desktop - but I warn you that desktop automation has a lot of pitfalls.  Examples where this might be the best solution might be a very small task automation where the robot is just performing a small amount of work for the user.

Community Team
Community Team

Great answer @Denis__Dennehy, and welcome to the community @emmanuelkatto

also, Please go through Module 3 of solution Design Overview to have more understanding on type of solution. Course link is below

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